
Complicated Animals

2015 Performers, Indie Pop, Musical Performance
Laura Shannon of the Band Wise River

Wise River

2015 Performers, Folk Rock, Musical Performance
Musicians Ritz Chamber

The Ritz Chamber Players

2015 Performers, Chamber Music, Musical Performance

Canary in the Coalmine

2015 Performers, Folk Rock, Musical Performance
Freebird Closing Jam TEDxJacksonville

Closing Jam | Freebird Rendition

2015 Performers, Closing Jam, Musical Performance

Closing performance | JJ Grey, Joseph Shuck, Mama Blue, and The John Carver Band

2014 Performers, Musical Performance

Joseph Shuck | Bringing It Home

2014 Performers, Musical Performance

JJ Grey | Front Porch Soul

2014 Performers, Musical Performance, Swamp Rock

Mama Blue | Sultry Sister of Soul

2014 Performers, Blues, Jazz, Musical Performance