Mario Barrozo

Mario Barrozo

Student Engagement
Mario is currently a student at Florida State College of Jacksonville majoring in nursing with experience in public health and leadership studies from the University of North Florida. After graduating from Darnell Cookman Middle/High School of the Medical Arts here in Jacksonville, he has been avidly pursuing his future career in healthcare, but finds time to contribute back to his local community having been involved in a plethora of local organizations including the UNF Presidential Envoys proudly having served as their 2023-2024 Vice President of Marketing. Not only is Mario a bona fide Jacksonville resident, but he also has the unique experience of being a former speaker at TEDxJacksonville’s inaugural youth conference in 2020. As the youngest member of the team, he actively works to provide insight into the emerging generation’s perspectives and has a talent for finding innovative ways to effectively improve the projects and organizations he is involved with. He is slated to graduate in summer 2025 with his ASN degree.