Nadine Salem | Global Strategist & Connection Cultivator

Humans are hard-wired for connection and community, yet we live in a time of disconnect. Can we rediscover community by embracing strangers? Growing up, many of us heard the phrases “Stranger Danger” and “Don’t talk to strangers.” While these cautionary phrases may be useful as children, Nadine Salem believes in the power that unfolds when we stay open to chance interactions with strangers. A former CIA analyst and global strategy advisor, Nadine has found that engaging with strangers develops empathy, courage, and new perspectives if we remain open to the lessons they bring. She encourages the audience to view each interaction with endless possibility. Strangers can be great messengers and guideposts along life’s journey. If we’re lucky, they might also become great friends.

Take Action:
1) Challenge yourself to start a conversation with a stranger in your daily life. It could be as simple as saying “good morning” or offering a compliment. Be open to the unexpected connections that may unfold.
2) Attend a local event, meetup, or social gathering where you are likely to encounter new people. Actively engage with individuals you haven’t met before and explore the diversity of connections that can emerge.
3) Keep a journal to document your experiences and feelings as you intentionally open up to strangers. Note the positive outcomes, surprising connections, or synchronicities that result from these interactions.

Nadine Salem | The transformative power of strangers

Nadine Salem is a passionate storyteller who blends writing, speaking, and music to foster connection and share new perspectives. She is a leader in global strategy, leveraging her diverse background in national security and business. Throughout her career, Nadine has advised at the highest levels of private and public institutions, including the White House and Fortune 100 companies. Her stories merge her work experience and spiritual learnings. Her goal is to help people reconnect to the magic, to themselves, and to each other, to strengthen meaning in the human experience.