Shari Duval | A New Leash on Life for American Veterans

A mother and grandmother, Shari Duval held many positions in her life, including owning her own businesses and fundraising for numerous nonprofits and various veteran causes. In 2010, Duval founded K9s For Warriors as a way to help her son Brett, who had served two tours in Iraq as a civilian dog bomb handler, cope with the scars of war. Today, K9s For Warriors is the largest and most successful service dog agency in the United States for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury.
In 2017, Duval’s accomplishments were recognized when she received the Pearls of Leadership EVE Award. Her husband is a professional golfer retired from the Champions Tour, and his son David is a member of the PGA Tour, and currently a broadcaster for the Golf Channel. They had four children between them and 11 grandchildren.
Shari Duval died in 2020.