Robert Jackson | Afrofuturist

We all carry within us histories. Who are we? Who will we be? What future do we want to see when we look back together? These questions are the core of Remembrance. Since 2020, Robert Jackson has been speaking to people around the country about creating a new national holiday centered on memorializing this communal wisdom. He believes that by elevating and celebrating storytellers, especially our elders, we can ignite a spirit of radical curiosity. Remembrance Day will be a call to action — to listen, to watch, and to learn from those who’ve come before us. In an increasingly fractured and siloed America, Remembrance is a campaign for resurfacing shared values and rebuilding intergenerational community that nurtures our interest in the bonds we’ve forgotten.

Robert Jackson
Robert Jackson

Robert Jackson, an Afrofuturist and entrepreneur, is not just working to create more equitable systems for black and women-owned businesses. He is doing so with a unique approach, building data activations and systems that sustain community impact businesses nationwide. Since the launch of Cypher in 2021, Jackson has helped his clients acquire $1.2 million in grant revenue for black- and women-owned businesses. His belief in emergent strategies that intersect progress with recovery and healing is a testament to his innovative thinking.