Nicol Headley | No More Shame
As a survivor of 30 years of abuse, Nicol Headley knows what it’s like to live in and through domestic violence. October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, and it’s past time to examine how the blows issued behind closed doors are felt throughout our communities. Domestic violence is not a private matter, nor is it only a woman’s issue that affects other people. As a society, we can no longer stand on the sidelines with baskets of sympathy and judgment. We must empower our communities to act as advocates for — and lift the feelings of shame from — those who are in abusive situations. Equally important, we must work together to stop the violence before it ever starts.

Nicol Headley is a mom, CEO of H3 and author living in Florida. H3 (Haven, Healing and Hope) is a nonprofit organization aimed at aggregating local resources for both victims and abusers alike. Her personal passion is focused on elevating the collective consciousness on the societal burden of domestic violence. With a goal to de-stigmatize and a focus on ending the cycle of domestic violence, H3’s social media campaign #NOSHAME is scheduled for release in October 2021.