Michael Platt | Kids Can Solve Big Problems

Michael Platt is a 14-year-old baker, business owner, social entrepreneur, and food justice advocate. Michael has been baking since he was 9 years old, but has been interested in the challenges of inequality since he learned about the historic March on Washington at age 6. Michael comes from a home of educators and advocates and began to ask questions early on about the challenges of inequity. Inspired by a pair of TOMS shoes he received as a present, Michael decided that he would begin a baking business with a one-for-one model. From the beginning of Michaels Desserts, he has donated a dessert to someone in need for every one dessert that he sells. With this model Michael has served hundreds of people and provided over 12,000 meals.Michael appeared with 11 of the best kid bakers in the country in season four of “Kids Baking Championship” on Food Network and has appeared on “Good Morning America” and “Access Hollywood” as well as CNN and CBS.