Col. Eries Mentzer | Status Quo Challenger

Eries Mentzer is an Air Force Veteran with over 25 years of military service. A wife, mother, and Status Quo Challenger, she has persisted as often the first, only, or one of the few Black or female leaders in her formations. She is among an elite collective of military officers trusted to lead an American military base, securing the Freedom to Serve for more than 42,000 active duty, guard, reserve, civilian, and military families at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, while leading a three-county, 12-city region with more than $2.1 billion in economic impact.
Her passion for securing more Freedom To Serve led her to find and implement more inclusive policies and practices to excite today’s generations to join or stay in the military. An executive leader and strategic advisor, Eries works to identify barriers to service and ensure pride for the past doesn’t impact preparedness for the future.