Ben Warner | New Models for Civic Engagement

Ben Warner is the past President & CEO of Jacksonville Community Council Inc. (JCCI), a past president of the National Association of Planning Councils (NAPC) and was inaugural president of the international Community Indicators Consortium, a network of institutions which seeks to advance the art and science of community indicators across the globe.
Before joining JCCI in 1998, Ben worked in the mental health field, where he directed day treatment programs for dually-diagnosed (mental illness/developmentally disabled) individuals in Northeast and Central Florida. He also worked with homelessness issues, developing a highly successful pilot transitional housing program.
At JCCI, Ben staffed community-based public policy studies and implementation efforts on topics such as arts and culture, growth management, regional cooperation, and city finance. He also serves as a consultant with Community Works, assisting multiple communities around the world in the creation of community-based public policy organizations and the development of community indicators.
Warner completed his undergraduate studies in Sociology at Brigham Young University. He received his Masters in Social Work from Florida State University.