Anne Driscoll | We Are All Witnesses
Anne Driscoll is an award-winning journalist who has investigated wrongful convictions as senior reporter at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University and as a 2013-2014 US Fulbright scholar, and project manager of the Irish Innocence Project at Griffith College Dublin. Awarded a second Fulbright scholarship in 2018, she is currently teaching law and journalism students at the National University of Ireland, Galway about wrongful convictions and investigative techniques, while also conducting research to establish a National Registry of Exonerations in Ireland. Originally trained as a social worker, she remains a licensed certified social worker and is the author of a self-help series of guidebooks for girls called Girl to Girl. As a journalist, she has devoted her career to covering issues of human rights, social justice, and human development and has sought to make a difference in the world, one story at a time. She was the 2016 recipient of the Salem Award for Human Rights and Social Justice, is a Moth storyteller and the author of the mini-momoir about life in Ireland called Irish You Were Here.